So, here it is. The website. Re-fettled and raring to go.
We’ve updated the things which needed updating, cleared out the clutter, and had a bit of a tidy up. Street lighting’s off at night so we can see the stars, and we’ve added wildflower verges, bird boxes, beehives, and a wildlife pond out front of the old pub where you can sit in the sunshine and watch the dragonflies. They’re amazing.
This site is about my work as a writer. It’s fairly self-explanatory, and by simply surfing the menu at the top of the site you’ll get a taste of what I’m up to. My blog is under ‘craic’, my poems under… er… ‘poems’, you can buy my books at ‘works’… and so on. It’s all pretty obvious – this is poetry, not rocket science, after all.
Poetry is about more – so much more – than competitions, but it’s probably worth mentioning that my work has been awarded prizes in the CultureMatters poetry and spoken word competition, as well as in Prole, Guernsey International, and (most recently) Poets & Players. It’s also been commended or shortlisted in Verve, Plough, and Arran, among others. If you’re looking for an experienced workshop facilitator, or want someone to write Poetry on Demand at your festival/party/community event, get in touch. I love doing those.
You can follow me on Twitter at @BigStevePoet if you’re so inclined, although how much longer it’s possible to carry on using it now Space Karen’s got his ketamine-addled claws into it, who can say? Alternatively – or indeed, as well – I’ve a mailing list you can sign up to. Subscribing is easy – click on this link and just follow the instructions.
Last but by no means least, I love getting out and about and sharing my work. If you’ve a spoken-word or poetry night you’d like me to perform at, are looking for a commissioned poem for a project, want an experienced poet to run a workshop for your group, or just want to say ‘hi’, get in touch. Drop me a line at stv (dot) pottinger (at) gmail (dot) com.
Come in, sit down, grab a pint, and make yourself at home. You’ll love it here, I promise.