Making a living as an artist isn’t always easy. At a time when the world is in flux, it’s even trickier. And it’s highly unlikely that any one of us has all the answers of how to get by, which is why I’m so pleased to be joining US photographer John Sevigny and US artist Teresa Parker this Saturday for an online discussion By All Means: a guide to surviving as an artist in the 21st century.

We work in different disciplines, but – as John pointed out in an email about the event – we face common challenges: creative block, getting work seen or read, and having enough money to survive (which isn’t the same as “making it”, and I’m sure we’ll be looking at that on Saturday too).
This isn’t going to be about the three of us handing down wisdom from the mountaintop. It is going to be the three of us sharing our expereiences, talking about the ways we’ve found to deal with/ resolve/ ignore/ bulldoze through the problems we’ve come across, and throwing open the discussion for other folk who are attending to throw their two penn’orth in as well.
It’ll be informative. It’ll be useful. It’ll be fun. It’ll be free. And it’ll be at 7pm UK time this Saturday. If you’d like to come along and spend an hour or two in our company, email John at the address on the poster. It’d be lovely to see you. And – by all means – if you think they’ll be interested, tell your friends.